Edwin David Aponte, Santo! Varies of Latino/a Spirituality
Maria Teresa Davila, coeditor of Living with(out) Borders
Miguel de la Torre, author of six books, including (with Aponte), Introducing Latino/a Theologies, and Trails of Hope and Terror
Miguel Diaz, On Being Human
Virgil Elizondo (RIP)—several books, including Guadalupe, Galilean Journey, and a volume in our Modern Spiritual Masters Series.
Michael Lee—editor of Ignacio Ellacuria, and author of forthcoming book on Romero.
Orlando Espin—author of many books, including coeditor with Diaz of From the Heart of Our People, and most recently, Idol & Grace
Roberto Goizueta, author of two books, most recently Christ our Companion
Michelle Gonzalez, author of Created in God’s Image: Feminist Theological Anthropology
Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz (RIP), author of two books: Mujerista Theology and its sequel, La Lucha Continues
Rafael Luevano, Woman Killing in Juarez
Nestor Medina, Mestizaje
Carmen Nanko-Fernandez, Theologizing in Espanglish
Bishop Ramirez, Power from the Margins
Jean-Pierre Ruiz, Readings from the Edges
Benjamin Valentin, editor, In Our Own Voices: Latino/a Renditions of Theology